How digital marketers will continue to thrive post-third-party cookies deprecation

In March 2021, Google announced that the Chrome browser would phase out 3rd party cookies for other site tracking abilities. With Apple’s IOS 14.5 changes that would prevent app publishers from using users’ behavior for targeted ads without their permission, already creating a nightmare for digital marketing experts. 

A recent survey from GetApp, indicated that 45% of digital marketers have no real knowledge of the impact this change will have on Ad strategy but as many as 61% anticipate a change in their marketing spending. One consistent conclusion from those surveyed is an estimated increase in spending of at least 5%-25% to reach the same targets as they did in 2021. 

While there is no substitution for 3rd party cookies (as much as 90% of all display impressions will have no ID attached to them), Kapitalwise has identified options that marketers have to continue offering personalized Ad targeting after these changes. 

Leverage First-party Data: To succeed in today’s ecosystem, fintech and other financial institutions must continuously innovate by turning their data from a cost center into an asset. One of the biggest roadblocks to leveraging this data is the associated costs to collect, parse, aggregate, and repurpose this data so it’s usable.

With Kapitalwise Signals, you can access these data insights with no coding required and no need for manual data extraction. Better yet, access to this data will not require any internal engineering or cost while maintaining full PII compliance. Learn more about Kapitalwise Signals by requesting a demo.

Google’s Privacy Sandbox: Google’s Privacy Sandbox is a set of proposals to restructure the ad serving ecosystem in order to improve user privacy and provide a sustainable alternative to 3rd party cookies. The Privacy Sandbox initiative aims to create technologies that both protect people’s privacy online and give companies and developers tools to build thriving digital businesses. You can read more about Privacy Sandbox here.

Build a Taste Profile: Kapitalwise can also build a personal taste profile of your customers and prospects from their digital and financial behavior. Building the taste profile allows you to publish content in a variety of scalable formats to track engagement and enrich a customer or users’ profile on an ongoing basis.

Device Fingerprinting: Unfortunately, old-fashioned IP tracking is no longer effective as the accuracy of IP tracking has been greatly diminished by firewalls and corporate networks.

However, Kapitalwise has developed device fingerprint algorithms and iframe messaging which can still help you offer targeted ads to your users. These tools allow for deeper user insights and more personalized content and workflow recommendations.